I have no idea what you were expecting when you saw the tittle of this article. Yes, it is not one of the usual articles of the blog but I have to say that I am surprisingly happy this month and optimistic that this month has so many beautiful things to offer me and my family. Therefore, I want to list out nine reasons why I am so grateful to God in the Ninth month. Without further ado here goes:

1) Grateful to God for life.

In this time that a pandemic has ravaged the world and all sorts are happening, I can’t just help it but be grateful to God for life. No offense to those who lost their lives or loved ones this past few months.

2) Grateful for Family.

This pandemic really made me especially appreciate the gift of family. It’s such a wonderful thing to be in a family unit and to be loved and appreciated for who you are.

3) Grateful to God for Friends.

For the first time in my life, this year; I actually connected with people. I am amazed at how God is working wonders in my life. I am lowering my various guards and walls and letting people in. During this pandemic, I found myself talking to people over the phone and just plain connecting with them and establishing genuine friendships. I am so glad that I am already thinking of who and who is going to make it to my bridesmaid list for my wedding. Lol I am grateful for these special people who are fast becoming family. I am thankful for how they help me and push me to be the version of myself God wants me to be. I am also thankful that they let me into their beautiful hearts and life that I can be called their friend.  I love you guys.

4) Grateful to God for the blog.

Oasis In Jesus Christ blog launched officially in June 2019 although there has been bumps along the way and episodes of my disobedience to God. However, the nudging by the Holy Spirit to take the blog seriously came April this year and I am grateful to God for another chance and for His grace. The growth of the blog has been exponential. I am amazed at how the blog moved from barely 300 views to over 2.1k views in five months. I don’t think I know that much people in my life. I don’t even think what I write is exactly special or anything. But I do know it is only because of God’s faithfulness and grace. So I say, THANK YOU JESUS FOR THIS BLOG.

5) Grateful to God for the Articles on OIJCB

My, oh my! I cannot thank God enough for this one. I used to write but it was mainly fiction and poetry with about 0.1% articles. This was one of the things that scared me when the Holy Spirit asked me to start this blog. I kept saying “What am I going to write?”, “But I am not that old in the faith. I am not qualified for this.” These thoughts affected me to the extent that I started this blog in January 2019 but I didn’t tell anyone anything until June that year. I was so scared. But I am grateful to God for keeping His promise of qualifying the ones He calls. Sometimes, I go back to read some of my old posts and I still learn from them and are blessed by them. I still cannot believe I wrote some of them. So I say Thank You Jesus once again.

It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God.

2 Corinthians 3:5 NLT

6) Grateful to God for Growth

How can I say this? At the start of the year, the Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic word that the year 2020 was my year of Transformation. So I thought it was going to be related to my spiritual growth. I read my Bible and it began to make more meaning to me so I thought that was all. But as always, I was so wrong. God was talking about EVERY aspect of my life. I look at who I was in January and who I am now and I can say, there has been a lot of growing and transforming. I also gather that this is only the beginning. What can I say, This God is too good.

7) Grateful to God for Provision.

Even before the pandemic, I came into the year with a huge debt that I had no idea how to repay it. My finances were not looking pretty at all. But God made a way. He cleared my debts and I still had more left to do other things. Even during the pandemic, He made sure that my needs and that of my family’s were met. A couple of days ago, I wanted to be bothered because I didn’t have enough to even get Data Subscription and come on here but then viola! God surprised me and blessed me. I am assured once again that I shall not lack any good thing and my needs will be met.

Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.
Psalms 34:10 NLT

8) Grateful to God for the Christian blogging community here.

I am amazed at the amazing love and support being showered on me by various Christian bloggers from different parts of the world. I have found a community here of really beautiful people who love the Lord. I look forward to all your posts. You all inspire me to pursue a closer walk with Jesus. Thank you, thank you. I am grateful to God for you.


9) Grateful to God for His love.

Where do I even start on this one? This is listed last but certainly the most important. Where would I be if it weren’t for the love of God? Where would the world be if we didn’t have a savior? I just cannot imagine. I am so grateful to God for showering us with His love by giving us Jesus and sending the Holy Spirit to live inside us. It’s such a beautiful thing to know that no one can love us like Jesus does. Thank YOU Lord for Your amazing love.

10)  I know I said it was only nine things, but I can’t help but add a bonus here. Lol. I am grateful to God for my niece and nephew. They are both below five but they are absolutely adorable and a lot of work as well. I had mixed feelings when they were born but I am so sure that they are God’s gift to my family and I can’t help but say thank you to God for them. I am also thankful for their growth this period. They say so many words that still amazes me how it found their way to their little vocabulary. Hehehe I hope they grow up healthy and strong and never depart from the love of God.

There’s so much to be thankful for indeed. Like the old song goes, “Count your blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.” It’s easy to lose our heart of gratitude this season, don’t fall into that trap. Say thank you to Jesus!

I would like to encourage all my amazing blogger friends to take on this challenge. Also a big shout out to Ruth of Planted By The Living Water who posts things she is thankful for. You should check out her blog, maybe you will get bitten by the gratitude bug which is a good bug really. Have a fantastic weekend!  


      1. The Lord sent me on this gratitude “journey”. I knew in my heart that He was telling me to write this series. I’m sure He knew ahead of time all the troubles that 2020 would hold and that we would need reminders of all His grace and goodness toward us. I’m so glad that you look forward to them! God is good!
        Thanks! You have a great weekend as well!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Temi, it is ALWAYS good to reflect on that which we are grateful. I really resonate with your second point. God ha used COVID-19 to allow me to see my niece and nephew who are 6 and 5. I had not seen either of them since the five year old was six weeks old. The 5 year old just turned 5 on Tuesday and I was able to take part in his birthday. This is something I did not think would happen in my lifetime. My brother (their father) is very hostile to the faith and to the way I live my life. I am grateful to God for allowing me this opportunity. I am also grateful that He led me to your blog! Love and joy in Jesus!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Awwwn! Thank God for family. I pray God works in your brother’s heart and he comes to realizes and appreciate the love of God and God in your life Mandy. I’m happy that you were able to connect with those you care about. Thank God for this opportunity!!! I am glad that He also led you to this blog!! Love and joy to Jesus!! Lots of love and hugs to you as well. I hope your weekend is going great.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Year 2020 has been my year of years despite this virus. God of double wonders has helped me to complete 2 professional certificate courses with an opportunity of internship to kick start my career. All happened online. I’m really grateful.

    Liked by 1 person

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